Founded by Race Swami's most rabid fans, Mary Chris Finnigan and Geri Ceceras, the Swami Mami Boosters has become a fixture to the organization for the past year in a number of ways.
First, they are a loud and vibrant bunch. They cheer at swim meets, usually in Spanish, Portuguese, Tongan, English, or any other language that might be appropriate for any given meet— and they cheer LOUD — for every Swami athlete regardless or age, gender, and/or event.
Second, they can be identified by the black Swami Mami shirt they wear proudly; an Oaxacan-inspired Mermaid who looks just menacing enough to let you know they're pulling for the Swamis. The fleur de lis on the front is printed in hot pink. It's just too cool!
Swami Fans and Swami Mamis are known to be Utah's loudest, lead by Claudia Corona (shown here), the mother of all Swami swim fans!
And last, these Swami Mamis volunteer many hours, putting together specially home-cooked meals, planning fiesta events, facilitating special events for the Swami athletes (Quinceñeras, for example), setting up carpools for meets, assisting in club mentoring for new parents, serving as language translators, helping parents with computer literacy, and whatever else that is in need of assisting our families so that the organization brings our ENTIRE community — athletes, coaches, board members, parents, grandparents, and family members — closer together, working together, shoulder to shoulder, as one.
For more information about the Swami Mami Boosters, or to join, please contact us.